🙋🏻‍♀️ I’m a designer, researcher & design manager working on products & services for the public


My approach is informed by

  • 2+ years in federal service working on unemployment insurance modernization and income verification for means-tested benefits.
  • 6 years designing and supporting the scrappy yet equity-centered design & research practices at Code for America
  • 3 years learning interaction design and operations at Dubberly Design Office
  • 2+ years freelancing for arts and human-rights non profits
  • A masters in Human-Computer Interaction and Design
  • Early design jobs proofing comps and answering phones at small San Francisco print and branding firms
  • Working in collectives, studios, and residencies on paintings, drawings and social practice work.

Good civic design demands humility and collaboration. I believe designers have to convene and work closely with those closest to the issues in which they seek to intervene – be they members of the public, community advocates, or government workers.

I love to support teams to reflect on the complex socio-technical systems we live in: to explore where design and technology can make a meaningful contribution, where it probably can’t, and how we can work with or enable our most impacted community members to guide us in sustainable ways.

👾 On the internet…

A few projects I’ve contributed to

Donald Moynihan, Eric Giannella, Pamela Herd, Julie Sutherland, Matching to Categories: Learning and Compliance Costs in Administrative ProcessesJournal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 2022

Maintenance Window, Christa Hartsock and Julie Sutherland, ed. Jen Kagan, Logic, Issue 09, Care, September 2020

The Qualitative Research Practice Guide and Design Principles that Put People at the Center, Collaboratively-authored practice documents, Code for America, 2020 and 2021

Improving Food Access for Seniors and Adults with Disabilities, Code for America, July 2019

Why Californians Need Food Assistance, GetCalFresh/Code for America, January 2019

Overcoming Barriers: Helping Self-Employed Applicants Access Their Full CalFresh Benefit, Code for America, October 2019


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